The series 4300 Yamaha is an excellent choice for conservatories, schools and bands for their sound of quality, a price reasonable and spectacular appearance. One timpani excellent sound and made for one the great brands.
- It has many features the series TP6300
- Heads Queensance
- Price very tight
- Excellent quality of materials
In addition to its exceptional sound quality and value, the series 4300 Standard has many features that allow the timbalero to play in its most natural and comfortable position.
- The pedal pier and the tension of the head are balanced to keep the tone even if the tone removes its foot from the pedal. Tone changes throughout the range are soft and easy. A wide range of tone of about a sixth lower per inch is achieved.
- The main wheels are large and complemented with a third wheel under the pedal, allowing the timpani slides softly and easily.
- The height of all the wheels can be adjusted in a range of 25 mm, allowing precise adjustments in the instrument height and angle head. THE timpani can be placed in a perfect way to play standing or sitting. The adjustment is performed using the adjustment key or Allen key, and can be easily realized by a person.
- The main wheels include a locking mechanism that contributes to fast and secure configuration. In addition to the locking mechanism the main wheel, an auxiliary brake has been added the pedal wheel. Timber can activate the auxiliary brake to securely block the wheel and avoid the movement of the instrument.
- The bowl is set in a suspension ring of "floating assembly" and does not make contact with any other part of the instrument. This prevents the distortion the bowl and allows a swing head without restrictions.
- The tuning indicator can be placed indistinctly on the right or left side of the instrument to facilitate the configuration in german or international style.
- The tuning key is placed in a place in the opposite the tuning indicator.
- The heads Yamaha Remo Renaissance with aluminum insertion ring provides a remarkable expression capacity, a stable tuning tone and are also very durable.
About us the Yamaha Symphony Percussion
Yamaha's symphonic percussion instruments are highly appreciated by the great quality of their materials and their sound. Yamaha is in continuous development and research and its instruments reflect this mime and dedication.
Yamaha manufactures a wide range of instruments of all types of symphonic percussion and all of them in a complete range from the initiation to the higher professional level.
Yamaha's symphonic percussion instruments are from conservatories, music schools to in the more prestigious orchestral groups.
EAN13: 4957812605465