It is always a joy to receive the news that there is a new book drum in spanish. And in this case of the hand of one of the great of our instrument: Chus Gancedo.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it as I'm already doing it
It is a title that summarizes the objective that pursues with this Chus Gancedo method.
"So much in the drum as in our lives, we need to find a point of balance between a series of principles.
Our learning is based on developing, as far as we can, each of these concepts in a balanced way, that is, if we only concentrate on one or two of them we will never achieve progress in a comprehensive way..
From his point of view the drum is based on one series of aspects: Time, Sound, Technique, Versatility and Creativity.
The method you are about to discover tries to give a series of claves that will help you deepen in each of the aspects of the drum and a the and connect them to the rest, so you have a foundation on which you can build what you want.