With the same resistant tubes and level joints as the stands of the series 930 Pearl, this soft and traditional stand hi Hat H-1030S has robust leg simple profile. If you're looking for a stand light but extremely resistant, take a look at this Pearl H-1030S.
- Chain system
- HCL-90 fixation
- Tripod of leg simple profile revolving
- Overlarge rubber feet SureGrip
- Dial for adjustment the tension of the pier
- Traditional smooth platform
- Minimum height 29.9"
- maximum height 37"
The perfect combination for your pedal bass drum P1030 Eliminator Solo. The H1030 has a footboard of the series Remover so you have the same great performance as the rest of your Pearl Eliminator hardware. The adjustment the tension multipositional H1030 provides you with a wide range of responses to play. One of those the claves is the robust double-profile tripode base with three leg anti-slips that provide extremely controlled performance under the feet.
About Pearl Drums
Pearl has been manufacturing for decades drums and snare drums and for many of these years being sales leaders.
Pearl manufactures models all over the range prices and take care of them all the quality materials and the manufacturing process. So, whether you've decided to buy a Masterwork or a Roadshow, you'll find all of them the technical improvements that this brand continuously develops.