Vater Manufactures his drumsticks following strict quality control and using high quality materials.
- Made of maple
- Manufactured in U.S.A
- Between 5A and 5B
The 55A models may be yours drumsticks yeah the 5A is light and the 5B too heavy. Drumstick very balanced with a graduated neck and a round acorn.
The wood
Rock Maple (arce) is a very used wood when needed thickness no extra weight. It is somewhat less dense than the Hickory (American walnut), about 10% and about 20% on the Japanese oak. Provides great articulation both in heads as in the cymbals. Perfect for orchestral or jazzy uses that want drumstick thick without added weight.
About Vater
Vater is an American company that has consolidated in recent years and today is considered by drummers as one of the top brands drumsticks.
Quality controls in the manufacturing process, the use of top materials and very special models make this brand an option for thousands of drummers around the world.
EAN13: 0641652196019