The series Vic Firth American Custom® consists of a variety of models designed and designed by Vic Firth himself. Models designed for a wide variety of styles, from orchestral to jazz uses.
- Bthick but lightweight models
- Allows excellent articulation
- Extra long neck for volume control
A legendary model for classic percussionists. The neck of this model is extremely long with what you get incredible control in low volume passages.
This series is perfect for all those who want one drumstick robust but without too much weight as they are made of maple wood.
The wood
The drumsticks of maple are more flexible and light than the of walnut or oak. This wood is approximately 10% lighter than the classic hickory and allows you to have a drumstick with a thickness “normal” but lighter.
About Vic Firth
Vic Firth is an American company in Boston and has been manufacturing drumsticks and all kinds of brushes, rods, etc since 1963. Some of his drumsticks are the more demanded in Tam Tam Percussion and in its wide catalog I sure you will be able to find the drumstick that best suits your way of playing.
Artists of all musical styles use the drumsticks vic Firth for his tours and recordings.