Vater manufactures his drumsticks following strict quality control and using high quality materials.
- Made of hickory
- Productos naturales en Estados Unidos
The drumsticks 5A are the most used by drummers of practically all styles. They have a standard length of 16” (40 cm) and 0.565 in diameter. Whatever your style a 5A can be your drumstick.
The wood
The drumsticks of American Nogal (hickory) as the rest of the drumsticks of this brand, are manufactured with material of very high quality and with the latest technological advances in the manufacture drumsticks.It certainly is the wood most used in the manufacture drumsticks and the preferred by the a great majority of drummers for their durability, weight and flexibility. The Hickory is more dense than the maple (about 10%) and less than the Japanese oak (about 10% too). The density and the natural sensation of this wood makes it the preferred by a vast majority of drummers.
About Vater
Vater is an American company that has consolidated in recent years and today is considered by drummers as one of the top brands drumsticks.
Quality controls in the manufacturing process, the use of top materials and very special models make this brand an option for thousands of drummers around the world.