The Cabos manufacture these drumsticks with a very special wood, the hickory (red american walnut), wood more elastic and durable than the conventional hickory.
- Made from Red Hickory wood
- Very durable and elastic
The 55A models may be yours drumsticks yeah the 5A is light and the 5B too heavy.
The wood
The drumsticks red Hickory de Los Cabos are made from North American wood that has been collected responsibly by suppliers approved by the FSC (Council of Forestry Administration). The Drumsticks Corps is the only manufacturer drumsticks in the world that has a complete line of drumsticks with red walnut, which has been shown by independent studies that is stronger and more elastic than white walnut and that the makes it more durable than walnut.
About Los Cabos
This Canadian brand has made a hole in the market by the quality of your manufacturing process and the use of high quality woods. The Cabos is a company seriously committed to the environment and all its processes are supervised by external agencies. Excellent drumsticks respectful of the planet.